A funny thing about being a stay-at-home mom is there are no breaks. This first hit me over the holidays, when I rejoiced as Christmas "break" approached. I've counted down to it for the past 22 years of my life! This year was no exception, but three weeks later I was exhausted, and wanted my money back. We had a super time and I'd do it all again, but my pace only quickened as every now and then the house was descended upon, and all the perks of holidays were only add-ons to the the mom-job I have every day. When yesterday schools closed making it an official "snow day," I wanted in on the celebration. We decided it would be a snow day for the boys and I, too. We let go of our daily schedule (a little), and I kept a list of the ways the boys wanted to use our morning time. While I felt like a full and busy morning, it turns out the boys mostly wanted to read a lot (you won't have to guess their favorites), and watch the snow from the window. Here goes...
7:20 - up! Window Watching, Eggs and waffles, Blocks,Window Watching, Haydn's Symphony #44, Dancing, Out comes the tambourine, Blocks, "Pete the Cat," "My First Touch and Feel Book," Diapers, Blocks, "Pete the Cat," Rocking (this is Gabe rocking himself by lunging forward and back in the big rocker - he was happy there for like 8 minutes), Zeke toy vacuuming, Safari hats, "Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me," "Pete the Cat," "Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me," Wrestling, Window Watching, "Snack! Snack!" (Teddy Grahams) "Pete the Cat," 10:40 - Dressed for snow.
And then, Daddy the Hero appeared (from his secret hiding place where he worked all morning on his qualifier) and we made some beautiful memories as a family out in the snow for the first time!