Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Dear Mighty Men... Almost.

My sweet babies,

Here are some things you should know about your Mama before I share today's news:

  • She eats the worst flavored gummy bears first; always saves the best for last.
  • She opposes all spoilers.
  • She is the SURPRISE queen. (Love being surprised, and LOVE surprising other people.)
  • When she's excited, she's beside-herself-excited. (I was that kid at sleepovers who ALWAYS woke up the parents next door because I could NOT remember to be quiet while having fun.)
  • When there's a reason to celebrate, she celebrates. Like... all filters off celebration.

Nothing will be more celebrated around here than the day Daddy and I find out we can come and get you and our family will be together forever! When I get the "go" on that, there will be no stopping the tears and singing and dancing and EXCITEMENT! And until then, Mama needs to keep a cap on it. That is why, while taking deep breaths and monitoring my own heart rate, I'm just barely announcing, hinting, whispering...

We've been submitted to embassy.



  1. So, I fly to America on April 24th. In my daily prayers, I am praying that your boys will beat me home. :) Because I cannot wait to meet them.
